Hi folks! It's currently a lovely Wednesday afternoon, and I am sitting in lovely 30 degrees sun on a well-deserved holiday. Today’s blog will focus on the Mencap charity since we intend to try to help Mencap raise money and help its customers on our Pathway 2 Employment Academy. We will be writing to the CEO Edal Harris OBE and sending her some wonderful Ethical CLARITY products.
According to the website, www.mencap.org.uk, Mencap is a charity that helps those with a learning disability and mental health problems. When browsing their website, they provide a facts sheet that includes info about learning disabilities, and they also have an employ me program, which is a work program, though according to their website, it is only based in London, so there is potential for us since at Ethical Recruitment Solutions, our P2E journey is a virtual service available all over the UK if candidates desire it.
According to the website, Mencap has been supporting people into work with a learning disability for over 45 years. They say that with the right support, people with a learning disability are able to work, which is refreshing news for my BAHA-assisted hearing.
When going onto the section explaining a learning disability on the Mencap website, it says that a learning disability is very individual to the person who experiences it. Some conditions can make a learning disability more prevalent.
Statistics of people with a learning disability are as follows. There are around one and a half million people in the UK who have a learning disability, and around three hundred and fifty thousand children aged under 17 have it.
Mencap also has Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages they look great, one I really like is about Allister Bustin dispelling myths when he was doing pancake making.
Well Done Mencap and we’ll be in touch soon!
Cheers folks for reading, watch this space, we change lives and feel the vibes!
By Sophia McKie - Head of Blind and DisABLED Development