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The Ethical Blog

Sophia says having Employment means being a role model for my Daughter

Posted by Frank Owen on

Hello comrades, and welcome to what we hope will be another interesting yet exciting blog and later a vlog.  I will start this blog by telling you about my journey to my current position as business partner in Ethical Clarity and how my daughter Margot runs through me like a positive thread to make me into the positive person that I am. I always knew I wanted to work. We’re all on this earth to do positive things, and I’ve always wanted to be a role model for Margot. I have accomplished many things within my 37 years, like with...

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Reece the Passionate Pick and Packer

Posted by Frank Owen on

Welcome back to another blog, written on a Bank Holiday Monday. Despite summer not really being hot hot hot this year, at Ethical Clarity and Ethical Recruitment solutions, we are sure that this blog will hot things up!

Reece has Autism, he been a valued member of our workforce for over 2 years now after completing his Pathway 2 Employment Academy training. I did attempt to record a vlog, though I think I will have to physically write the interview. He wanted to have a quick interview anyway because he wanted to go out for a walk he is passionate about his long walks and how they help his well-being. That’s what we love, getting moving!

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Mencap - An amazing charity helping amazing people!

Posted by Sales Force One on

Hi folks! It's currently a lovely Wednesday afternoon, and I am sitting in lovely 30 degrees sun on a well-deserved holiday. Today’s blog will focus on the Mencap charity since we intend to try to help Mencap raise money and help its customers on our Pathway 2 Employment Academy. We will be writing to the CEO Edal Harris OBE and sending her some wonderful Ethical CLARITY products. According to the website,, Mencap is a charity that helps those with a learning disability and mental health problems. When browsing their website, they provide a facts sheet that includes info about...

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Burnden Park amazing Fitness Academy!

Posted by Sales Force One on

Hi folks, and welcome to my first written blog of 2023! As many of you will be aware, I am a very keen fitness person. I aim to eat as well as I can in conjunction with this. Even though the covid pandemic lockdowns, I kept up my training thanks to my treadmill at home and some other workout things, I liked to mix it up.

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What does Shaun Love about working with Ethical CLARITY? Answer "EVERYTHING!"

Posted by Sales Force One on

Hi there brilliant folks, and welcome back to another written blog. Another vlog will be posted soon, and I am sure we will do another funky Friday workout soon! We are all full of Christmas cheers, though we are "ho ho hopeful" that you are staying as warm as can be expected!

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