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Recently the government has boosted social care budgets by £700 million but we still have an underfunded system.
I wrote a letter to my Social Worker just before my review, as the date got closer my anxiety and stress levels were seriously affecting my wellbeing, see below
Dear John
I am a deafblind mum with epilepsy, and for the past 2 years, I’ve had a personal assistant which has transformed my life and given me independence and dignity.
I also love the fact that I can go out and about because I struggle to go out on my own. I have bone anchor hearing aids which has also transformed my life. Since having my personal assistant, I’ve not had a personal care budget review and the thought of it is making me edgy and anxious. We're collecting receipts of purchases which we've made since having my support worker which we need for our adaptation and safety such as a talking microwave, a safety chopper to chop up vegetables, my braille embosser so that I can print off braille for work and important recreational tasks, bump on and other essential items which help me live better.
I am having my colleagues at my social care review meeting, and I would love your advice also because my support worker would like a pay rise, and we have got some concerns that the system as it stands while great in many respects, is flawed in others because once you have the pot of money, it appears that you are just left to it.
We didn't know that it is best to have receipts for items to help to adapt your life to be better, so that we could potentially get this money back. If we had known this over 2 years ago, we would have been more vigilant about keeping receipts pertaining to new technology and devices to adapt and enhance my life.
I look forward to meeting you next week.
We would love to hear from you If you have been affected by Social Care Budget reviews, we are here to help and talk to anyone who needs support.
We love to change lives and feel the vibes!
By Sophia McKie - Head of Blind and DisABLED Development